The impact of federalisation on Nepal's health system: a longitudinal analysis
For more information on the project, please contact one of the Co-Principal Investigators:
Dr. Julie Balen
School of Health and Related Research
University of Sheffield
Dr. Simon Rushton
Department of Politics and International Relations
University of Sheffield

A project bringing together researchers from:
University of Sheffield
Bournemouth University
University of Huddersfield
Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences

The impact of federalisation on Nepal's health system: a longitudinal analysis
Nepal is currently in the midst of a process of radical constitutional reform. The new Constitution adopted in 2015 brought a complete restructuring of the country's political system, creating a Federal Republic with significant devolution of power and resources from the central government to seven newly-created Provinces.
The new Constitution brings significant changes to the health system. Responsibility for health service provision now rests primarily with the seven new Provincial governments, with significant powers and responsibilities being further devolved to Municipalities and Ward-level governments. All of this has put Nepal's health system in a period of rapid, and far-reaching, transformational change.
This research project is tracking this immense health system reform effort in real time, drawing upon the experiences, perceptions and expertise of health system actors from across all levels of government.
We are working with policy makers and implementers at the federal, provincial, municipal and ward levels, as well as with community-level providers (primary health centre staff and the Female Community Health Volunteers who are on the frontline of delivering maternal and child health services in rural communities).
Our aim is to uncover the perceptions of this wide range of different stakeholders and to bring them into dialogue with one another in order to help stakeholders identify systemic design deficits, delivery gaps and capacity constraints in the emerging system that may be impacted by, and in turn impact upon, the reform process.

This project is funded by the Health Systems Research Initiative(HSRI).
Grant ref. MR/T023554/1

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